Serubbabel-Zerubbabel: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 16. Mai 2017, 15:06 Uhr


Der Name erscheint vielfach in freimaurerischer Literatur. Auszugsweise seien hier diverse Verweise aufgeführt:

=Deutsch: Serubbabel

Der Grad des Maurers vom Königlichen Bogen vermittelt schließlich anhand der allegorisch nachvollzogenen Umstände des zweiten Tempelbaus in Jerusalem unter Serubbabel die Einsicht, dass auch auf Ruinen ein neuer Tempel errichtet werden kann und dass das „wahre“ Meisterwort nicht verloren gegangen ist.
Viele Aspekte des Tempelbaus und seiner Einweihung um 950 v. Chr., seine endgültige Zerstörung durch Nebukadnezar 587 v. Chr. und der Bau des zweiten Tempels zwischen 537 v. Chr. und 515 v. Chr. durch Serubbabel nach seiner Rückkehr aus der Gefangenschaft in Babylon, sind in tiefgreifenden Einzelheiten als Gleichnisse in den traditionellen Graden eingearbeitet.
4. Grad: Der 2. Tempel (von Serubbabel)
Die Kandidaten nehmen teil an der mühevollen Reise und beenden sie inmitten der Ruinen Jerusalems. Der grosse Rat – Josua, Serubbabel und Haggai – weist ihnen ihre Arbeit an.

Englisch: Zerubbabel

All Chapters of Royal Arch Masons are "dedicated to Zerubbabel," and the symbolic color of this Degree is scarlet.
Fifteenth Degree -- Life Without Friends is Worthless -- represented by Zerubbabel rebuilding the Temple.
Within the chamber of a Royal Arch chapter, a temporary structure, after the plan of the one built by Moses, may be erected, as a representation of the tabernacle constructed by Zerubbabel, near the ruins of the first temple, after the return of the captives from Babylon, while the people were building the second temple.
Afterward Cyrus constituted Zerubbabel … who, being released from their captivity, returned to Jerusalem and built the second Temple.
Thus, the Rev. James Anderson, the first and, naturally, one of the most noted of Masonic commentators, in the Constitutions of 1723, not only attributed a knowledge of geometry or Masonry to Adam and to virtually all of the Hebrew patriarchs, but gravely stated that, "… the Israelites, at their leaving Egypt, were a whole Kingdom of Masons, well instructed, under the conduct of their Grand Master Moses, who often marshall'd them into a regular and general Lodge while in the Wilderness, . . . the wise King Solomon was Grand Master of the Lodge at Jerusalem, and the learned King Hiram was Grand Master of the Lodge at Tyre .... the Kings, Princes and Potentates built many glorious Piles and became the Grand Masters, each in his own Territory, . . . the Grand Monarch Nebuchadnezzar . . . became the Grand Master-Mason . . . Zerubbabel the Prince and General Master-Mason of the Jews . . . . Ptolomeus Philadelphus . . . became an excellent Architect and General Master-Mason . . . the glorious Augustus became the Grand Master of the Lodge at Rome."
