York Rite Schmuck und Ehrenzeichen
Schmuck und Ehrenzeichen
Quelle: Phoenixmasonry
Eine gemeinsames York Rite-Schmucksymbol ist das "Trapez" im Bogen oben nachstehend abgebildet. Dieser "Schlussstein" ist in der Mitte des Bogens, der zuletzt hinzugefügte Stein, der einem gemauerten Bogen Stabilität verleiht. Es war der Brauch des operativen Maurers, ihre Marke oder ihre Handwerkersignatur in der Mitte des Schlusssteines zu gravieren. Das wird bis zum heutigen Tag durchgeführt. Rund um das Templer-Kreuz und die Krone ist das Motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" in Latein sichtbar: "In diesem Zeichen wirst du siegen."
Quelle: Phoenixmasonry
York Rite Knight Templars
Courtesy of Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library - USAs Fotos - Early Assorted York Rite Knight Templar Cabinet Cards.
Quelle / Source: The Ohio Freemason website is designed to be an "Online Community and Educational Portal" for Masons and those desirous of learning more about this wonderful fraternity. This site is not intended to replace your regular attendance at your local Lodge, but to provide an "outlet" or "inlet" for Masonic communication and continued education when it's convenient for you.
<videoflash>TYBCtRf-1dA</videoflash> Degrees and Bodies explained by Thomas W. Jackson, R.W.P.G.S. of The Grand Holy Royal Arch of Pennsylvania.
Written and produced by Peter F. Gross
An informative introduction to the journey towards more light through the bodies of Arch, Cryptic and KT. Described as the York Rite, outside of North America these three bodies are often treated simply as side orders that a Mark Mason can join rather than the 'stellar procession' described here.
The poster of this video would like to point out that Aleister Crowley never actually ascended to the position within Freemasonry that he declared he had. For a fascinating insight into his relationship with Freemasonry, I refer you to the link at the end of this paragraph for an excellent and well researched article by Bro. Martin P. Starr of The Grand Lodge Of British Columbia and Yukon: http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/aqc/crowley.html
- Ohio Freemason bei Youtube
- Ohio Freemason Urania Lodge No. 311 of Plain City, Ohio