En:Lionel Logue

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Here is a potted history I wrote on WBro Lionel Logue, speech therapist in the film "The King's Speech"

Lionel Loguewww.jpg

Worshipful Brother Lionel Logue

a WA Freemason we can all be proud of

The Archives Committee has had many enquiries lately concerning WBro Lionel Logue. Those of you who have seen or heard of the recent film “The King's Speech” will know that Lionel Logue, the character played by Geoffrey Rush, was the speech therapist who helped King George VI cure his stammer.

What you may not know was that Lionel George Logue was a member of St George's Lodge (now J D Stevenson St George's Lodge).

Lionel Logue was born in Adelaide on 26 February 1880 and educated at Prince Alfred College in Adelaide. WBro Logue studied elocution and worked in Adelaide as a teacher. He moved to Kalgoorlie apparently to work in a gold mine. Later he moved to Perth where he met Myrtle Gruenert; they married on 20 March 1907 in St George's Anglican Cathedral, Perth.

His Masonic records show that at his Initiation on 18 September 1908, WBro Logue was a Professor of Elocution residing at 9 Emerald Terrace, West Perth (now believed to be Emerald Hill Terrace). He was Passed to the Second Degree on 16 October 1908, and Raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason on 20 November 1908. His rise through the Officers' Chairs was as follows: Steward 1909, Junior Deacon 1910, Inner Guard 1913, Junior Deacon 1914, Senior Deacon 1915, Junior Warden 1916, Senior Warden 1918, Worshipful Master 1919.

WBro Logue seems to have had a busy professional life in Perth. He taught elocution, public speaking and acting, as well as producing stage plays. He worked to help soldiers returning from World War I who were afflicted with speech impediments caused by shell-shock.

In 1924 he set up consulting rooms in Harley Street, London where he treated both rich and poor alike; apparently the exorbitant fees he charged the rich subsided the treatment of his poorer clients. In 1926 he was consulted by the then Duke of York (later King George VI) for help to overcome his stammer. At the Coronation of King George VI on 12 May 1937, WBro Logue wore the MVO decoration awarded by the King the night before.

WBro Logue was a founder of the British Society of Speech Therapists and a founding fellow of the College of Speech Therapists and he was speech therapist to the Royal Masonic School. In 1944 his MVO was elevated to CVO. He retained his friendship with King George VI until the King's death in 1952. WBro Logue passed to the Grand Lodge Above on 12 April 1953.

The Carrington Lodge (WAC 363)
Bassendean RAC (WAC 20)
18th Boucaut RC (AASR Australia 5)
The Carrington Lodge